Senior Minister Search Committee Update | September, 2021
Greetings Riverside Church Family,
The Senior Minister Search Committee listening tour is beginning to wind down. We hosted over thirty listening sessions, both virtual and in person, including our in-person gathering in Sakura Park, with representatives from all our many Riverside ministries. The committee also hosted four summer sessions open to all members, and has begun to meet with Riverside’s staff and clergy, commissions and committees, and stakeholders from our local and national communities.
As we launched this discernment process at the beginning of the summer, we developed pointed questions to gather information so that we may best answer our overall guiding question, “What is our collective prayer for Riverside?” The information you shared has enlightened us on the diverse experiences and perspectives of all who spoke with us, and we are grateful for your open and honest feedback. Our time with you has also shown us a common theme: the people of Riverside love Riverside and desire a church home that is a safe and welcoming place. This theme of love and community will be kept at the forefront of our minds as we continue to build and finalize our church profile for potential Senior Minister candidates.
All of us are looking forward to fellowshipping with you at Homecoming Sunday on September 19th! We are excited to host both in-person and Zoom meetings scheduled for September and October with our Commissions, Committees, Church Council, and stakeholders. Most importantly we will host in-person gatherings open to all Riversiders in South Hall on September 26th and October 10th, from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Click here for further details.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support!
Grace and Peace,
The Senior Minister Search Committee
Alexa, Andrea, Annie, Beth, David, Emily, Hylda, Karissa, Lee, Lisa, and Mark