Social Services

As a Christian community, The Riverside Church endeavors to provide access to comprehensive social services for those in economic and social crisis.

The Riverside Church provides access to comprehensive social services for those in economic and social crisis. We seek to enable people in need within our community to more fully support and nurture themselves and their families.

People who utilize our Social Services programs may receive referrals to job training programs, employment agencies, or other services. Riverside also helps clients in need of public assistance, SNAP (Food Stamps), and Medicaid, through information and referrals.

For more information please contact Alexandra A. Pimentel, Director of Social Services and Outreach, at 212.870.6753 or via email.

Social Services Programs

Food Pantry
The Riverside Food Pantry distributes food Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM We recommend arriving by 12:30 PM

Donations of non-perishable food items are accepted every day, at all times, except when the church building is closed. Most needed items include protein-rich foods such as peanut butter and canned tuna, as well as staples such as cereal, pasta, rice, soups, and beans. No glass bottles, please.

Click here to learn more about and support the food pantry.

Clothing Distribution

Free casual clothing and professional attire are available for those who register with our Food Pantry. The Clothing Distribution office is open for walk-ins on a first-come, first-served basis, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Professional attire is available by referral and appointment only on Thursdays, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Questions or special requests? Please contact Reyita Rodriguez at 212.870.6939 or via email.

Clothing Donations
Clothing donations are received every day including Saturday & Sunday from 9 AM to 12PM
Donations are not accepted on holidays.

Please refrain from donating clothes that are dirty, torn, stained, excessively worn, or in poor condition. Our aim is to offer recipients items that are clean, safe, and in good, usable condition.

Questions? Please call Reyita Rodriguez at 212.870.6939 or via email.

Direct Aid
Direct Aid provides financial assistance to an individual or family facing an emergency that may lead to homelessness or a utility shut-off. Emergency needs addressed include shelter, clothing, food, utilities (gas, electric and phone), transportation, storage, medical assistance, medicine, counseling, and job training.

Riverside provides safe, secure and clean overnight stays for adults experiencing homelessness and prepares these guests for permanent housing.

Participants are trained in barbering skills. Free haircuts are available to the community. Application for licensing is completed after graduation. We are in the process of restructuring the program.

Open every Tuesday and Friday to the first 25 people from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the Shower Project is designed to meet the needs of sheltered and unsheltered homeless men and women in need of a shower and clean clothing in New York City. Each guest receives a care basket with soap, shampoo, conditioner, towels, and other essentials. Twenty minutes is allotted to each guest to enjoy a hot shower while their clothing is laundered. Volunteers and social services staff provide referrals for additional services to shelters, soup kitchens, medical facilities, counseling, advocacy, and employment.