Lay Leadership

Lay Leadership is the heartbeat of The Riverside Church. As a congregational church the various commissions and committees lead the way as we aspire to embody the love and justice of God in our neighborhood, across the nation, and around the world.

There are 35 Lay Leadership positions available for 2025. Nominations are now being received for lay leader elections in May 2025. Please complete this interest form by February 26, 2025.

Complete Lay Leadership Interest Survey

Download the Lay Ministry Booklet

2024-25 Lay Leadership Election Results


Jean Schmidt


Mojubaolu Okome


Arthur Doyle

Tawanna Huguley

Sally Riddles

Marion Conteh


Sandra (Chap) Chapman


Mark Riddles

Charles Semowich

Download the 2024 Lay Leadership Candidate Booklet here to learn more.

2024-25 Elected Lay Leadership

Jean Schmidt (Chair)
Clarence Anderson (Vice Chair)
Lee Sartain (Secretary)
Rueben Martinez (Treasurer)
Chiara Fuller (Education Rep)
Jerome Hairston
Lisa Hinds
Ernest Jones
David King
(MSJ Rep)
Len Leach 
Eric McFadden
Laura Miraz
(MCPL Rep)
David Orcutt
(Worship Rep)
Christian Rojas
Henry Williams

Staff Liaisons: 
Rev. Adriene Thorne (Senior Minister) and Natalie Fein (Chief Operating Officer)

Email the Church Council

Updates from the Church Council

Chiara Fuller (Chair)
Okome Mojubaolu (Vice Chair)
Reginald Evans
Debra Lily (Rep: Scholarship)
Wangu Ndungu (Rep: Stewardship Committee)

Staff Liaison: Rev. Jabe Ziino


Annie Meredith (Chair)
Karen Diggs (Vice Chair & Rep: Nominating) 
Laura Miraz
Marion Conteh
(Rep: Stewardship Committee)
Arthur Doyle
Bryant Harris
Tawanna Huguley (Rep: Stewardship Committee)
Aida Montero 

Patricia Pell
Jocelyn Selene Perry
Valerie Henning Piedmonte
Sally Riddles (Rep: Stewardship Committee)

Staff Liaison:  Rev. Tim Dalton


Pamela Davis (Chair, Rep: Stewardship Committee)
Derrick Biney-Amissah (Vice-Chair)
Gary Bogle (Secretary; Rep: Nominating Committee)
Milly Akinsulure
Jeremiah Drake

Arelis Figueroa (Rep: Institutional Relations)
Janette Kemp
David King (Rep: Church Council)
Regina Tate (Rep: Building Committee)
Sandra Chapman

Staff Liaison:  Rev. Mira Sawlani-Joyner

David Vaughn (Chair)
Alexa Donaphin (Vice Chair; Rep: B&P Committee)
Karissa Garner (Rep: Nominating Committee)
Irene King (Rep: Stewardship Committee)
Zachary Tyler Newton (Rep: Building Committee)
Douglas Miller (Rep: Institutional Relations)
Patricia McClure
David Orcutt (Rep: Church Council)
Robbie Patterson
Mark Riddles
Charles Semowich
Michael Winger

Staff Liaison: Rev. Lisa Weaver

Len Leach (Chair)
Alexa Donaphin (Worship Rep)
Rueben Martinez
Andrea Nakashian (Member-at-Large)
Jocelyn Perry (MCPL Rep)
Jean Schmidt
German Soto 
Mark Wallace (Education Rep)

Staff Liaisons: 

Natalie Fein (Chief Operating Officer) and Matthew Kerner (Director of Finance)

Abosede George (Chair)
Beth Wynne-St. Louis (Vice Chair)
Gary Bogle (MSJ Rep)
Karissa Garner (Worship Rep)
Glenessa Gordon
Imelda Isles
Patricia Ali
Barbara Mellor

Staff Liaison: Rev. Adriene Thorne (Senior Minister) 

Jerome Hairston (Chair)
Don Bickford (non-voting member)
Patrick Mouton (non-voting member)
Henry Williams 

Staff Liaison
Matthew Kerner (Director of Finance)

Christian Rojas (Chair)
Desiree Baxter
Derrick Biney-Amissah (MSJ Rep)
Chris Doyle (MCPL Rep)
Regina King (MSJ Rep)
Linda LeShanna
Eric McFadden
(Council Rep)
Barbara Mellor
Zachary Tyler Newton
(Worship Rep)
Mark Wallace
(Education Rep)
Henry Williams

Staff Liaison
Shanniel Morrison (Director of Property Management)

Jean Schmidt (Chair, Church Council)
Clarence Anderson (Vice Chair, Church Council)
Lee Sartain (Secretary, Church Council)
Reuben Martinez (Treasurer, Church Council)
David Orcutt
 (Rep: Commissions)

Staff Liaison
Rev. Adriene Thorne

Lisa Hinds  (Chair)
Clarence Anderson
Jean Schmidt
Rueben Martinez

Staff Liaison
Matthew Kerner (Director of Finance)

Sandy Thomas (Chair)
Jo Cameron
Geoff Martin
Eugene Melino
David Vaughn
Martha Wiggins

Staff Liaison
Rev. Adriene Thorne

Clarence Anderson
Ernest Jones (At Large Council Member)

Staff Liaisons
Rev. Adriene Thorne, Pablo Molgora (Director of Human Resources)

Clarence Anderson (Chair)
Len Leach
Jean Schmidt

Staff Liaison
Rev. Adriene Thorne

Ernest Jones (Chair & Church Council Rep)
Marion Conteh (MCPL Rep)
Pam Davis (MSJ Rep)
Chris Doyle
Jacqueline Hopkins
Tawanna Huguley (MCPL Rep)
Irene King (Worship Rep)
Sally Riddles (MCPL Rep)

Staff Liaison
Natalie Graves Tucker (Director of Communications and Development)

Areas of Elected Lay Leadership at Riverside

Church Council

Description: The Church Council has overall responsibilities for the program, policy, property and all temporal affairs of the Church, subject to the authority of the Congregation. The members of the Church Council are deacons of the Religious Society, and assist the ministers of the Church in advancing the spiritual welfare of the Church. They are also trustees of the Religious Corporation, with the powers, duties and responsibilities of trustees under the Religious Corporations Law of the State of New York. Members of the Church Council shall have fiduciary responsibilities for the Church, and their actions shall, at all times, be informed by the mission of the Church and the spiritual needs and concerns of the Congregation.

List of Desired Skills/Backgrounds: List of Desired Skills/Backgrounds: accounting, finance/investment, legal, human resources/organizational behavior, educational background, conflict resolution / governance / leadership, non-profit experience, managerial/secretarial, and audit.

Nominating Committee

Description: It shall identify within the membership of the Church persons with leadership qualities and persons with talent and experience needed by various Commissions, Committees, etc. for possible service to the Church and shall give the names of such persons to the Appointments Committee and the Church Council; clarify, administer and assure the integrity of the processes and procedures to elect Church officers and lay leaders; prepare candidate slates that reflect the diversity of the membership of the Church for all elective Church offices; and formulate for congregational approval amendments to the By-laws regarding the nomination of candidates for Church office and the election, including, but not limited to, candidate eligibility requirements, including membership, pledging, re-election and office qualification criteria. It shall also implement procedures for handling and identifying candidates for Church office maintained by petition; voter eligibility requirements and balloting procedures; and policies regarding the filling of interim vacancies, and such other rules and procedures not inconsistent with these By-laws.

List of Desired Skills/Duties:
– Openness to speaking with Riverside congregants about the elected offices available to members.
– Have a welcoming and friendly manner with congregation members, particularly those new to the Riverside community.
– Discerning through listening and open discussions those who would be assets as Lay Leaders.
– Working with Commission leaders as well as Riverside congregants at large to encourage qualified folk to run for elected office.
– Hold positive attitude towards Riverside Church leadership and speak of the integrity of Nominating Committee and elections.
– Agree to faithfully attend all meetings and volunteer with Sunday morning tabling.
– Willingness to help during the election process including Meet the Candidates and voting counting at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
– Organizational and/or secretarial skills.

Membership, Care, and Parish Life Commission

Description: The Membership, Care, and Parish Life Commission accompanies church members on every step of their spiritual journeys. Programs include: Pastoral Care, New Members Class, Spiritual Life Retreat, and Wellness Programs.

List of Desired Skills/Duties: Should have a history of volunteering at Riverside or other organizations, or demonstrate willingness and devotion to carry out the task required for the success of the commission. MCPL Lay Leaders should be able to engage with the purview of ministries our commission supports (Membership, Parish Care, and Parish Life). We welcome members in the profession of trades, law, social services, and the arts.

Education Commission

Description: Oversees the development and implementation of the comprehensive Christian Education Ministry at the Church. Programs include: Sunday Morning Bible Study, Youth and Young Adult programs, English Language Training, Infant and Toddler Nursery programs, and the Scholarship Fund.

List of Desired Skills/Duties:
– Attended or led Adult Bible study at TRC, whether small group or Open Bible study.
– Sat for 1 year on Riverside Committee such as ACEC, Budget & Planning, Ordination, Global Justice & Peace, etc.
– Ability to cast vision as it relates to the direction of the overall congregation’s faith formation and learning experiences.
– A desire to invest in the lives of people of all ages with special attention to children, youth and young adults.
– A willingness to lead the congregation in exploring practices related to spiritual formation and Christian education.
– An appreciation of the various ways in which people who are differently abled might learn or receive information.
– Sensitivity to cultural and racial diversity as it pertains to Christian education and formation.
– A desire to practice servant leadership and humility; a willingness to learn from others even as you lead them.
– Organizational and/or secretarial skills.

Mission and Social Justice Commission

Description: As agents of God’s justice, healing and love, the Mission and Social Justice (MSJ) Commission seeks to transform individuals, communities and systems of racial, social, economic and environmental oppression. MSJ ministries include: African Fellowship, Antiracism Taskforce, Beloved Earth C​ommunity, Black Lives Matter, Ecclesia Ministry, Latinos/as at Riverside, Maranatha – Riverside’s LGBTQ Ministry, Lift Every Voice and Vote, Men’s Class, Poor People’s Campaign, Prison Ministry, Sojourners, South Africa/Cuba Support Group, Theatre of the Oppressed and Wellbotics.  Social Services (Food Pantry and Clothing Distribution Program are also a part of this commission.

List of Desired Skills/Duties:
– Demonstrated passion for justice.
– Ability to communicate how faith in God moves us to act for justice.
– Experience in team building and effective communication in Riverside and/or Harlem and NYC.
– Practiced in creative thinking to achieve positive change.

Worship Commission

Description: Responsible for the worship programs of the Church. It advises on the overall planning of the Sunday services, other worship services, and special services. It consults with the Director of Music on the music program of the Church for Sunday services and for special occasions. Primary among the duties of Worship Commission members is to remember that the Church is a living body, kept alive by responsive and meaningful worship in many forms.

List of Desired Skills/Duties:
– Regularly attend worship services and see it as the core of your involvement at Riverside.
– Be open to all forms of worship – traditional as well as innovative.
– Have imagination in envisioning the depth and richness of worship.
– Be willing to participate in the service as communion servers/preparers, greeters, and liturgical participants on a regular basis.
– Have organizational/secretarial skills.
– Have a positive and supportive attitude toward the leadership of Riverside Church.
– Respect the liturgies and rituals of the church as a primary means of meeting the spiritual needs of all the people.
– Appreciate the power of Word and Sacrament as understood by our affiliated denominations, i.e. ABC and UCC.
– Strive to envision new worship services (grounded in traditional forms of worship) that are responsive to the needs of changing times and diverse worshipers.

Budget & Planning Committee

Description: The Budget and Planning Committee shall establish and administer procedures for evaluating the programs of the Church; organize and coordinate a process for planning the programs of the Church and establishing goals and priorities to accomplish the Church’s mission, as embodied in its Mission Statement, including an annual planning retreat for laity and staff; and monitor and report to the Church Council and the Church at its Annual Meeting on the extent to which the programs of the Church are achieving the Church’s stated goals and priorities.

List of Desired Skills/Duties:
– Financial background.
– Ability to read and comprehend budget spreadsheets.
– Experience using excel or similar financial programs.
– Managerial/secretarial skills.
– Open to innovative ideas relating to budget planning.
– Committed to the financial health of The Riverside Church.