
The Wellness Ministry includes exercise opportunities such as Art of Movement, a healthy motion program for older people; Tai Chi, a stress-reduction technique, moving meditation, and path to greater flexibility, strength, and concentration; and Spiritual Retreats, weekend-long, retreat-center-based prayer experiences.

Pastoral Counseling: Pastoral counseling is available for those who need it for vocational challenges, family illness, end-of-life issues, discernment regarding membership, personal challenges and struggles.

Clergy on Call: Riverside members may call 212-870-6712 when there is a serious emergency—such as illness, death, accident, or hospitalization—that creates an immediate need for pastoral care from Riverside clergy.

Congregational Care Team: The Congregational Care Team, a committee of lay volunteers, works with Parish Care to provide care and support to fellow congregants in need.

Spiritual Life Retreat: The Spiritual Life Retreat Committee presents retreats for members The Riverside Church and larger community to promote spiritual growth, fellowship and renewal. Weekend retreats, held at retreat centers within two hours of the Church, are offered twice a year, once in the summer and once in the winter. The experience of renewal and spiritual deepening grows from both individual and group activities such as guided meditation, prayer, art, expressions, music, ritual and bible study. For more information, please contact the Parish Care office: 212-870-6963.

Tai Chi: Although Tai Chi is an exercise system that dates back hundreds of years, it is well suited for life in the 21st century. Its flowing movements can be regarded as a stress-reduction technique, a moving meditation, and a path to greater flexibility, muscle strength and better concentration. The class includes warm-up exercises, studying the Wu Style Tai Chi form, and a closing circle. Mondays, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Cloister Lounge, Child Care Room. To register, email class instructor Sheila Mason: sacumason@gmail.com.