Urban Epistles Art Exhibit

Urban Epistles: An Open Letter to America

Sunday, August 5 – Sunday, September 23 | Cloister Lobby

Visit our latest art exhibit in Cloister Lobby. Urban Epistles by Steve Prince is an open letter reminding the nation of its history and exhorting America to dismantle racism, challenge damaging representations in popular culture, look introspectively at the foundation of faith in society, and assess the access of education available to all people.

Return of the Prodigal:Contemporary Parables

Sunday, August 12 | 9:30 am | 330 MLK

Join Steve Prince in Open Bible Study as he shares music, prayer, give an art presentation, and engage people in an art explication as we explore his work in a variety of mediums.

Urban Epistles: An Open Letter to the Church

Sunday, August 12 | 1:30 pm | Cloister Lobby

Join us or a conversation with Steve Prince that will provide context and history for the series, “Urban Epistles” and express the overall theme of the work, talk about the symbolic elements and narrative embedded in each image, and also allow time for questions and responses.