Support Bronx Fire Relief
Riverside is joining with the Metropolitan Association of the United Church of Christ New York to support victims of the recent Bronx apartment fire. The recent tragic fire in a Bronx apartment building has left at least 17 families devastated and houseless in these, the coldest days and nights of the year. Significant efforts are underway to assist the families and victims with financial assistance, and as the people of God, we are called to aid in this effort.
The Association is collecting funds to be split equally between the Mayor’s Bronx Fire Relief Fund and the Gambian Youth Organization. Donations must be made before January 31, 2022.
Before you make a donation, you will need to first log in to set up a profile on the Association page. Then make your donation using the top “Donations” option, leaving a notation that it be earmarked for the Bronx Fire Assistance Project.
Thank you for your support!