Sabbath Practice (week 2)

When we gather for a Sabbath meal, we partake of the spiritual companionship of all who have loved us, all we love, all who have gone before and will come after. Everyone we have touched, those who have taught or held or nourished us all come to the table. It is good to be mindful of our ancestors, our loved ones, our extended family who could not join us in body for this blessed meal. So when you eat, set a place, complete with plate, glass, and silverware, an empty place to hold the awareness of all who join you there in spirit. During Passover, Jews set this place specifically for Elijah, awaiting his promised return. But for any sacred meal, it is good to leave a place of invitation, mindful of all those with whom we are, now and forever, consecrated family.

from Sabbath by Wayne Muller

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