Virtual Lent Retreat: An Introduction to Centering Prayer
February 27th 10:00 am – 1:00 pm via Zoom
Join the Riverside Church’s Virtual Lenten Retreat looking at Centering Prayer. We will be led by Leslee Anne Terpay, a Contemplative Outreach, Ltd, Commissioned Presenter of Centering Prayer, and Lectio Divina. Our day will begin learning the method of Centering Prayer including time exploring the kinds of thoughts that may arise during the prayer time. Each retreat session will include an experience of the prayer and time to address questions.
Our time together will conclude with praying scripture using the Lectio Divina method on the Gospel passage for Sunday. Come and see.
Centering Prayer is a renewal of an ancient form of Christian prayer. It is a method of consenting to the presence and action of Christ in the stillness of our being. It is an exercise of faith, hope, and love, moving beyond conversation with God to communion. The fruit of this prayer is a growing sense of God leading us beyond anxiety into an inner stillness and peace, and outward in compassion and service. Anyone desiring to deepen their prayer life will benefit from this time together as it is for those who are new to Centering Prayer and for those who wish to renew their practice.
Leslee Anne Terpay as a Contemplative Outreach, Ltd, Commissioned Presenter of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, Leslee spends her days sharing Fr. Thomas Keating’s teachings on the Christian Spiritual Journey to Love. She is part of the Service Teams that hold the integrity and pass on Fr. Thomas’s teaching for serving Intensive Retreats and Lectio Divina.
Leslee serves Centering Prayer retreats at Benet Hill Monastery, in Colorado Springs, CO, and at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY. She is a spiritual director in Lone Tree, CO, and a graduate of The Center for Action and Contemplation Living School.