Riverside Kids Online Worship
Join Amanda Meisenheimer, Riverside’s Minister of Children & Families, for a weekly Riverside Kids Online Worship video. Each week she explores a passage from the Bible and invites you to deepen your faith and work for justice in these interactive and intergenerational worship videos.
Where did the Pride Flag come from?
Riverside Kids Worship: This Little Light of Mine
Riverside Kids Worship: Nehemiah Hears a Protest
Riverside Kids Worship: Pentecost
Riverside Kids Worship : Wisdom and George Washington Carver
Riverside Kids Worship: Don't Worry
Riverside Kids Worship: The Good Shepherd
Riverside Kids Worship: On the Road to Emmaus
Riverside Kids Worship: Thomas Feels Left Out
Riverside Kids Worship: Easter in Pajamas!
A Moment for Lent by Amanda Meisenheimer | April 5, 2020
Riverside Kids Worship: Waiting Patiently
Riverside Kids Worship: Jesus heals a blind man
Riverside Kids Worship: The Woman at the Well