It’s Time To Stop, Pray, Work, Play, and Love
Sundays | February 14 – March 21 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm | Zoom | Facilitated by Jonathan Favors-Grimes
As so much of our stress and anxiety derives from our pollution of Time. God has given us the gift of time and called it holy, yet we often experience time as a curse. Recapture time as a gift and discover how to experience the joy of the present moment. Whether you feel a sense of having too little time for all the demands of life, or whether you feel lonely amidst too much time, God is calling you to connect. God wants us to use our time not just wisely, but sacredly, in order to thrive. No matter what stage of life we are in, God’s invitation is that we’re intentional in how we use our time in order to discover the abundance of life God desires for each of us.
Over the next six weeks, we invite you to join us in reflecting on our use of time, focusing especially on how we might take time to Stop, Pray, Work, Play, and Love. Together we’ll ponder our use of time, asking God to help us weave together the various threads of our lives into a beautiful tapestry in which each part of.
This study series is set to begin with an introductory class the Week leading to Ash Wednesday, on Sunday, February 14th, 2021 @ 1:30 PM. Each week will consist of weekly reflections and discussions on these weekly actions… Stop, Pray, Work, Play, & Love.