Holy Week at Riverside 2024
The season of Lent concludes with Holy Week as we follow Jesus into Jerusalem, share his last supper, witness his crucifixion, embrace grief in the silence of Saturday, and embody the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Join us onsite at Riverside or online this week for our Holy Week worship services and events.
NOTE: Parking during Holy Week services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday) in the church garage is discounted to $5 for each day.
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24 at 11:00 AM ET • Nave & Online
Palm Sunday Worship with Rev. Adriene Thorne, preaching
Join us after worship for a sermon talkback in Virtual Coffee Hour.
Wednesday, March 27 at Noon ET • Nave & Online
Wednesday Noon Prayer Service
Join us in prayer at 12 Noon in the Nave & Online, as we journey with Jesus through this Lenten season. We will read, pray, sing, and listen for God’s word and will.
Wednesday, March 27 at 6:00 PM ET • Online
Wednesday Evening Prayer Service
Join us in prayer at 6PM, online, as we journey with Jesus through this Lenten season. We will read, pray, sing, and listen for God’s word and will.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM ET • Nave & Online
Join us for our Tenebrae service including communion and the Stripping of the Nave, a practice which dates from the seventh century and is done in absolute silence and in an unhurried, orderly fashion. In silence and in shadows, communion vessels and paraments are removed or covered symbolizing the end of Jesus’ time on earth.
NOTE: Parking during Holy Week services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday) in the church garage is discounted to $5 for each day.
What is Maundy Thursday? Click here to learn more.
Good Friday
Friday, March 29 at 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET • Nave & Online
Join us for our Good Friday service of The Seven Last Words as we explore lament through other cultures. We journey with Jesus in the last three hours of his earthly life. We invite you to stay for the full service or come and go according to your needs.
NOTE: Parking during Holy Week services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday) in the church garage is discounted to $5 for each day.
Holy Saturday
Saturday, March 30 at 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET • Assembly Hall (self-guided)
Join us in Assembly Hall from 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET for an experience walking the prayer labyrinth. This tradition offers a unique opportunity to be present with the reality of this holy and silent Saturday, as we find ourselves balanced between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
NOTE: Parking during Holy Week services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday) in the church garage is discounted to $5 for each day.
Sunday, March 31 at 11:00 AM ET • Nave & Online
Resurrection Sunday Worship with Rev. Adriene Thorne, preaching
Join us on Easter Sunday at The Riverside Church as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
Christ is risen. Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia!
Easter Egg Hunt • After Worship • Cloister Lounge
After 11AM Easter Sunday service on March 31, 2024, children are welcome to participate in the Easter egg hunt, beginning in the Cloister Lounge.
Easter Brunch After Worship • Assembly Hall *ticketed event*
Join us for Easter Sunday on March 31st in Assembly Hall immediately following the 11:00AM Worship Service.
Enjoy a delightful menu featuring a traditional Easter meal with vegan options, a Beverage Bar, and a Delicious Dessert Station.