James M. Washington Award
Nomination Deadline: April 15
The Riverside Church Council invites you to submit nominations for the 2019 James M. Washington Award.
The James M. Washington Award commemorates the memory and spirit of the Rev. Dr. James M. Washington, Chair of the Riverside Church Council from May of 1996 until his untimely death in May of 1997 at the age of 49. Dr. Washington, a distinguished Professor of Church History at Union Theological Seminary, believed deeply in congregational service. His patience, good humor, and clear insight into the life of Riverside were admired by all who knew him. His intelligence was unequalled, and he used it to find solutions to intractable problems. He gave willingly of his time and treated everyone at Riverside with understanding and compassion.
The James M. Washington Award was created to remember his service and to honor his dedication, his profound sense of Christian discipleship and the firm gentleness with which he carried out his fiduciary duties as a lay leader of this Church. This award is given to a lay leader of Riverside Church who has best demonstrated principles of Christian discipleship in his or her services to the Church. The emphasis is on the quality of the service rendered, not the quantity of work accomplished.
The recipient of the award is determined by the Executive Committee of the Council based on nominations from the congregation, lay leaders, and staff of the Church.
Each nomination should be accompanied by a brief statement explaining how the nominee demonstrated Christian faithful adherence to the Riverside Church leadership covenant, exhibiting “Christian maturity and charity in all endeavors.” The recipient(s) will be announced in the worship service on May 19, 2019.
Please submit your nominations to Brad Jones by April 15, 2019. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact Brad at 212-870-6808.