Sunday Morning Worship

SERVICE: Join us for worship on-site in the Nave (sanctuary) or watch below every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM ET. Special music prelude begins at 10:30AM. Communion occurs on first Sundays. Service runs about an hour and 15-30 minutes but it is over by 12:30PM at the latest. All the responsive readings and hymn lyrics will be displayed on screen, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your home. You can engage with other online congregants through the live chat on YouTube or make the video full screen to focus only on the worship service.

Click here to let us know where you are joining us from for worship.

ENTRANCES: There are two entrances to the church. You can enter the church at 490 Riverside Drive. (Only open on Sundays) Wheelchair accessibility is available at 91 Claremont Avenue. Ask the security desk for directions to our Nave (sanctuary).

ATTIRE: You can dress comfortably and in a manner that makes you feel at ease. Whether it’s casual attire or dressed-up, we’re happy to welcome you just as you are.

NURSERY: Babies and toddlers are not too young to start learning about God’s love for them. The nursery is open every Sunday excluding Easter, Christmas and summer from 10:30AM-12:30PM and is staffed by trained nursery workers. For location, please see an usher or security guard.

CHILDREN & YOUTH: The Education Ministry at the Riverside Church provides a robust year of programming for our children and youth. There is church school available on most Sundays, September – June for pre-schoolers to 12th grade.  To be added to our education newsletter to find out what’s happening on a particular Sunday, email us at

PARKING: If you worship with us on Sunday or special worship services, there is parking available on the street and in the garage under the church. Parking in the garage is $5 only on Sundays. (Normally $35 on other days) If you park in our garage, bring your church bulletin and parking ticket to the Security Desk to get your $5 parking coupon. You will bring your bulletin, ticket and coupon to the attendant on the upper level to receive the discounted rate, pay, and pick up your car.

LISTEN BY PHONE: If you know someone who does not have access to the internet, have them call 844.223.6490 to listen to the Sunday morning worship service livestream from their phone. (You can listen live on Sunday morning or call to listen on demand throughout the week.)

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