Sharing Fund and Densford Fund

Through the Sharing Fund, The Riverside Church pledges 10% of its annual offering from its members to finance projects outside the church that are consistent with the church’s commitment to fulfilling its mission. Local, national and international organizations may request grants of up to $5,000.

Requests for grants must:

  • reflect the mission of The Riverside Church;
  • provide services and/or effective advocacy for underserved and marginalized populations,
    including but not limited to those adversely affected by racism, homophobia, sexism, ageism, the chronically ill, women, children, the elderly, those suffering the consequences of violence, refugees and internally displaced persons, victims of natural disasters, prisoners, those experiencing the effects of economic hardship such as hunger, homelessness, lack of health care or education; and
  • benefit the target population without regard to religious affiliation.

The Densford Fund is specifically for projects related to Native American youth. Organizations meeting these requirements may request grants of up to $10,000.

Apply for a Sharing or Densford Fund Grant:

If you wish to apply for funds, please review the Funding Guidelines as described in the attachment below. Then complete and return the PDF application below to

Instructions for Applicants – Please Read Before Applying
Sharing & Densford Fund Application (Editable Word Doc)

Feedback Form

The Riverside Church Sharing Fund Committee thanks you for your interest.

Volunteer for Sharing/Densford Fund Committee:

While it takes quite a bit of serious investigation and reporting, working with the Sharing / Densford Fund committee is fun, interesting, and really worthwhile to be part of TRC’s work in the world! If you are interested in joining our committee, please complete this form below: