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Open Bible Study (onsite)

June 21, 2026 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am

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Open Bible Study is a space where people can learn something new about the Bible and discuss the ways this ancient text continues to echo in our world and lives today. This is a space to open our minds to new ideas and ways of seeing the Bible, our world, and ourselves. The group is open to all and a safe space open to all ideas and questions, so long as they are shared with love.

Join us Sunday Mornings for our weekly lectionary readings and focused Bible Study. We will gather in 316 MLK to pray, study scripture and check-in with each other.

Participate in Open Bible Study to look at the texts that will be preached that Sunday as we pray, study scripture, and check in with one another. This class takes place each Sunday morning before worship. Contact Education at education@trcnyc.org for more information


June 21, 2026
9:30 am - 10:30 am
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